Justin Mimbs

Justin Mimbs is a software engineer at ISEA TEK (Industrial & Systems Engineering Analysis Technologies) in Maitland, Florida.


19:40 UTC

Validating a tsunami model for coastal inundation

07/28/2022, 7:40 PM — 7:50 PM UTC

How do we trust that a given fluid model is suitable for simulating water waves as they approach and wash over the land? This talk presents some of the benchmark tests used to validate a tsunami model. Using our Julia implementation of a fluid model, we check how well it conserves mass, matches analytical solutions, and reproduces laboratory experiments.

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Julia ComputingRelational AIJulius Technology

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Invenia LabsBeacon BiosignalsMetalenzASMLG-ResearchConningPumas AIQuEra Computing Inc.Jeffrey Sarnoff

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Packt PublicationGather TownVercel

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