Albert de Montserrat


13:40 UTC

GPU4GEO - Frontier GPU multi-physics solvers in Julia

07/27/2022, 1:40 PM ā€” 1:50 PM UTC

The accelerating outflow of ice in Antarctica or Greenland due to a warming climate or the geodynamic processes shaping the Earth share common computational challenges: extreme-scale high-performance computing (HPC) which requires the next-generation of numerical models, parallel solvers and supercomputers. We here present a fresh approach to modern HPC and share our experience running Julia on thousands of graphical processing units (GPUs).

Platinum sponsors

Julia ComputingRelational AIJulius Technology

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Silver sponsors

Invenia LabsBeacon BiosignalsMetalenzASMLG-ResearchConningPumas AIQuEra Computing Inc.Jeffrey Sarnoff

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Packt PublicationGather TownVercel

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Data UmbrellaWiMLDS

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