Theoretical Physicist - Scientific HPC Advisor - National High Performance Computing (NHR) - Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC²)
14:00 UTC
The "Julia for HPC" minisymposium aims to gather current and prospective Julia practitioners in the field of high-performance computing (HPC) from multidisciplinary applications. We invite participation from industry, academia, and government institutions interested in Julia’s capabilities for supercomputing. The goal is to provide a venue for Julia enthusiasts to share best practices, discuss current limitations, and identify future developments in the scientific HPC community.
17:30 UTC
Have you ever wondered how many FLOPS your CPU or GPU actually performs when executing (parts of) your Julia code? Or how much data it has read from main memory or a certain cache? Then this talk is for you! I will present LIKWID.jl (Like I Knew What I'm Doing), a Julia wrapper around the same-named performance benchmarkig suite, that allows you to analyse the performance of your Julia code by monitoring various hardware performance counters sitting inside of your CPU or GPU.
17:10 UTC
In this talk, we will present the JuliaCon proceedings, the purpose, scope, and target audience of this venue. The proceedings are a community-driven initiative to publish articles of interest to the research and developer communities gathered by JuliaCon, they do not require application processing fees nor a paywall on article, making both producing and accessing the articles possible for all. We will then give a quick tour of the reviewing and publication process which happen transparently in