I am a Computer Science MSc. student at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. My interests hop around the fields of Operating Systems, Algorithm Design, Computer Graphics and Image Processing. Currently, I am working as a Back End Development intern at DeepX , using Elixir and Rust. I've been using Julia for a couple of years in order to get fast image processing results with easy-on-the-eyes code. I'm currently working at Julia Computing developing visualizations to help ML workflows.
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Data visualization with intuitive interactions is an essential feature of many scientific investigations. I propose to go over use cases and examples on why/how to develop reactive dashboards in Julia using "Pluto.jl". Pluto provides a way to isolate cells in a separate page of which the style is editable as regular HTML/CSS. Alongside PlutoUI's experimental layout feature, this is a powerful tool to create immersive interactive experiences for users.