Tom Kwong

Tom Kwong currently works at Meta. He is an experienced software engineer with almost 30 years of industry programming experience. In 2017, he discovered the Julia language and started working on several open-source projects such as SASLib.jl, BinaryTraits.jl and ContextTracking.jl. He has an MS Computer Science degree from University of California, Santa Barbara.


20:20 UTC

Using contexts and capabilities to provide privacy protection

07/27/2022, 8:20 PM — 8:30 PM UTC

Privacy is an important aspect of the internet today. Providing privacy protection, however, is a difficult problem especially when you work with many data processes and systems. To solve this problem holistically, privacy needs to be a built-in feature, not an after-thought. I will talk about how to solve this problem with the idea of context and capabilities.

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