Kevin Bonham

Senior research scientist at Wellesley College, studying the human microbiome and its effects on cognitive development.


20:00 UTC

Microbiome.jl & BiobakeryUtils.jl for analyzing metagenomic data

07/28/2022, 8:00 PM — 8:10 PM UTC

Microbiome.jl is a Julia package to facilitate analysis of microbial community data. BiobakeryUtils.jl is built on top of Microbiome.jl, and provides utilities for working with a suite of command line tools (the bioBakery) that are widely used for converting raw metagenomic sequencing data into tables of taxon and gene function counts. Together, these packages provide an effective way to link microbial community data with the power of Julia’s numerical, statistical, and plotting libraries.

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Julia ComputingRelational AIJulius Technology

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Invenia LabsBeacon BiosignalsMetalenzASMLG-ResearchConningPumas AIQuEra Computing Inc.Jeffrey Sarnoff

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Packt PublicationGather TownVercel

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Data UmbrellaWiMLDS

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